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Life Of Spiritual

Life Of Spiritual

According to me our purpose of life is only the spirituality. Our purpose of life is to get your consciousness, Bhagavatgeeta is a encyclopaedia of Spiritual life.

What is law of nature ? 

The law of nature is the process of Birth and Death, it tells us that every individual who is born has to be die and every thing in the universe which is created has to be destroy.

What spirituality do ?

It  tells

Who are you?...Are you your body? Or your mind? Do you know who you are, or you exclusively think you know? And does it really matter? Or are you something higher

Our materialistic society, with it enlightened leadership, has made it practically ban to inquire real higher self. Instead we use our valuable time maintaining, decorating, and pampering the body for its own sake..

Might there be an alternative, why and what is the problem ?

The realisation of perfection of life is spirituality, It shows you proper directions towards perfact life.

On the material platform, everyone is frustrated, the reason for this is that the service being rendered is not properly directed . For example, if we want to render service to a tree, we must water the root, if we pour the water on the leaves, branches and twigs, there is little benefit. if the supereme personality of godhead is served, all other parts and parcels will be automatically satisfied.

Spiritual consciousness enables us to achieve the highest perfection of life possible in the present human form of existence.

We are not meant to solve economic question of life by balancing on a trembling plateform rather, we are meant to solve ultimate problem of life which arise due to the law of nature. civilization is static unless ther is Spiritual movement.

What is Spiritual consciousness ?

When you get interested in knowing the connection between you and your spirit is Spiritual consciousness, to talk to your own spirit, to feel & understand emotions of her is spiritual consciousness. When you start getting aware about your spirit, when you love your spirit insted of your body, that condition is spiritual consciousness.

Who is spiritual master ?

Whoever teaches how to know "god" & "inner me" and how to love them - He is a spiritual master.–Shrila Prabhupada

What is the reason of you to be born and why you got human body not animal body?

So we can ask god and work hard to get food.

No, many of the people of different religions are still alive even they are not working, did they all are not getting sufficient food?

Ofcourse they get thats why they are alive. Even cat & dog have no religion, yet god  supplies them all the necessity of life. So why we are here? 

We are here to know god, to become fully conscious and to know "who really i am" & how to love them.

Who is conscious & How it feels at the level of consciousness ?

A man who is full in six Opulences - Who has full Strength, Fame, wealth, knowledge, Beauty and Renunciation is a conscious person.

What is the difference between materiality and spirituality ? 

Materiality is dead and spirituality is alive, materiality is fake spirituality is truth, materiality is limited spirituality is unlimited, materiality is prison spirituality is freedom.

Need of Spiritual consciousness

When a person start a journey of spiritualism, He getting to know who is God and who is He, what is real and true in this world and slowly he start stoping sinfull activity. When a person reach at his state of consciousness he understand that he is a soul or something other then this body.

Some stages of spiritual consciousness.

The first stage is that you are inquisitive, you are getting interested in knowing what is spirituality, this is called Faith and this is the beginning stage. Then if you are serious, you will mix with the people of the same path, you will try to understand them, you try to understand how they feels and then you will feel  " why i am not one of them " how to become like them, what effort should be put for becoming like them, you will get hungry for the knowledge which they already knows, you will understand what is truth why aren't these boys going to see cinema? why dont they eat meat or go to the night club? Because their taste has been changed. Then you start practicing  this and then you go to the path of perfaction, you will get to know what satisfaction does spirituality gives that materialistic things can't and like this you will feel all the stages of consciousness.

The research of Soul

In 1972, world famous heart surgeon Dr. Wilfred G. Bigelow, Mr.  Edson L. Haines justice of the Ontario supreme court, and J. Francis leddy, president of the university of Windsor made a distinguished panel in Windsor, Ontario (Canada) to discuss the problems associated with attempts to define the exact moment of death.

Dr. Bigelow correctly confirm the existence of soul and through completely systematic research he determined what the soul is and from where it comes.

All the team member mentioned there point of view and comments regarding to this topic which was later published in a famous newspaper of Canada "Montreal Gazette". 
Also after researching that much, they are not able to give a perfact answer that exactly can define the problem.

After some time the article come to the attention of Shrila Prabhupada, founder of the ISKCON, when he saw the article , he wrote a letter to Dr. Bigelow offering enough vedic knowledge of the science of soul that can give them a perfact answer of there problem and a practical method for scientifically understanding.                                                                                                         

Evidence by Shrila Prabhupada

Undoubtedly the soul is present in the heart of the living entity, and it is the source of all the energies for maintaining the body. The energy of the soul is spread all over the body, and this is known as Consciousness. Since this consciousness spreads the energy of the soul all over the body, one can feel pains and pleasures in any part of the body. The soul is individual, and he is transmigrating from one body to another, just as a person transmigrates from babyhood to childhood, from childhood to boyhood, from boyhood to youth, and then to advanced old age. Then the change called death takes place when we change to a new body, just as we change our old dress to a new dress. This is called transmigration of the soul.   
The undertaking of "soul research" certainly mark the advancement of science. But advancement of science will not be able to find the soul. The soul's presence can simply be accepted on circumstantial understanding. You will find in the Vedic literature that the dimension of the soul is one ten-thousandth the size of a point. The material scientist cannot measure the length and breadth of a point. Therefore it is not possible for the material scientist to capture the soul.                                                                           
Spirituality is your main purpose of life,  don't go and waste you effort on Materiality. 

And by this we give rest to our blog and congratulations for knowing the life of spiritual, stay tuned and be hungry for more knowledge.


  1. Such a beautiful conversation with God and self.

  2. Like the way you thought, although some words are a bit hard for me to understand but I'm able to connect with your thought process by the blog.


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