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Showing posts from February, 2022

Life Of Spiritual

Life Of Spiritual According to me our purpose of life is only the spirituality. Our purpose of life is to get your consciousness, Bhagavatgeeta is a encyclopaedia of Spiritual life. What is law of nature ?  The law of nature is the process of Birth and Death, it tells us that every individual who is born has to be die and every thing in the universe which is created has to be destroy. What spirituality do ? It  tells Who are you?...Are you your body? Or your mind? Do you know who you are, or you exclusively think you know? And does it really matter? Or are you something higher ?  Our materialistic society , with it enlightened leadership, has made it practically ban to inquire real higher self. Instead we use our valuable time maintaining, decorating, and pampering the body for its own sake.. Might there be an alternative, why and what is the problem ? The realisation of perfection of life is spirituality, It shows you proper directions towards perfact life. On the material platform